By Ian Williams | 31 July, 2020
1. Description
The second phase of the rollout is part of the ‘Bootstrap’ process: Of getting the Initiative up and running.
It is focused on getting the fire going.
The general target for phase ‘Ember’ is to getting traction with people and organisations who support the initiative.
First published: 2020-05-15.
Update: See above.
2. Background
The second phase of Bootstrap moves from ‘The Concept’ into the open space, into engaging with potential partners such as linquistic experts, tech companies, organisaions. It requires financial and joined party support. It includes setting up backoffice tools to support process activities.
3. Main targets
- Funding
- Build user / joined parties base
- Decision about where the HQ (US/UK/DE/Other) will be and its structure
- ‘User functions’ in Colish v1. ‘Stable’
4. Timeframe
Plan: 1. June - 31. July 2020
5. Status reports
Status reports can be found under blog.
Snapshots of tasklists:
- Old snapshots of the tasklist can be found here.
6. Tasks
The following collection of tasks serves as a framework for activities, as a foundation for communications with partners. The implementation will depend on the reaction of the market and the manpower capacity i.e. the onboarding of team members and supporters.
The tasks are organised via Value Domains.
Ax - Assets
Will be defined when needed.
Bx - Builds
- Collecting info concerning building the dictionary
- Collecting API data
Cx - Communities
- Define roles, expectations
- Info about user groups
- Forum structure
- First entries
Dx - Designs
- Collecting info concerning the dictionary design
- Question catalog concerning the dictionary design
Ex - Enterprise
Org structure
- Possible legal structure
- Policy data compliance and privacy online
3rd-Party contracts
- Data compliance from providers
- Development of what the brand is about
Fx - Finances
Finance planning
- Basic finance plan
- Subscription plan
- Payment button online
- Reach out for funding
Gx - Grids
- Collect data
- Concept for VAPs and network
Hx - Humans (People & Culture)
- Reach out
- Detailing form of team -> Service Areas
- Job descriptions online
- Getting help onboard
Ix - Incentives
- Work out incentives for joined parties
Jx - Joined parties
- Extend data collection
- Contact possible sponsors
- Get sponsors onboard
- Draft contract
- Flesh out Advantages online
- Mail template Advantages
- Tel call script
- Contact possible ambassadors
- Get ambassadors onboard
- Contact possible linguistic experts
- Get linguistic, social, and other experts onboard
Friends / Patrons
- Concept friend campaign
- Start friend campaign
Tech Orgs
- Contact possible tech orgs
- Get tech orgs onboard
- Contact possible publishers
- Get publishers onboard
Training orgs
- Contact possible training orgs
- Get training orgs onboard
National orgs
- Reaching out
- Reach out to teachers
Kx - Knowledge
- Build on knowledgebase
- Put info online
- Reach out to partners for help
- Reach out for content use
Lx - Logistics
Will be defined when needed.
Mx - Markets
- Sell idea to future partners -> see Joined Party
Marketing materials
- Create mailing templates
- Creation of videos
- Build list
- Evaluation
Marcom / PR
- Concept for strategy
- Basic time plan
- Development of visual messages
Ox - Orchestration / OPs
Planning Phases
- More detail in this phase Ember
- More detail in next phase Glow
- Define singular projects
- Put info together online
Px - Products
- Products outlines online
- Tentative Release Plan for Colish
- Product naming definitions
- Colish - English as a product
- Colish - Products (from projects, etc)
Qx - Quality
Will be defined when needed.
Rx - Resources
- CRM online
- ERP online
- Task mgr for projects online
- Issue tracker online
- Team spaces
- Survey
- Forum online
- Mailing via mailing grid provider
- Tel where needed
Sx - Services
Self-Service Enduser
- User account
- Subscription / monthly donating
- Mailing List
Self-Service Teams
- Info about services
Service Areas
- Definition of Service Areas
Tx - Teaching / Training
- Possible partners
- Info for partners
- Concept for surveys
Ux - User Experiences
Will be defined when needed.
Vx - Ventures
- Status Spark
- Monthly status
Venture structure
- Concept - basic
- Concept - detailed
- Decision where the organisation will legally be
Wx - Worlds
Marcom materials
- Association
- Materials for user groups