By Ian Williams | 16 August, 2020
1. Description
The third phase: Of ramping up the initiative so that it glows in the dark.
The general target for phase ‘Glow’ is to get the initiative formal framework, i.e. the legal aspects and community processes up and running so that teams can get their work done.
First published: 2020-05-15.
Update: See above.
2. Background
This is the third phase of the bootstrap process and requires members who will actively take part in formal activities such as legislative, design, engineering, product management.
3. Main targets
- Funding.
- Define a pipeline for the product rollout.
- Define a mission framework to facilitate common activities with partners.
- Build user / joined parties base.
- Implement legal structures.
- Basic ‘User functions’ in Colish version 1 (Co1) ‘Stable’
4. Timeframe
Plan: 1. Aug. - 30. Sept. 2020
Done: 1. Aug. -
5. Tasks
The following collection of tasks serve as a framework for activities and as a foundation for communications with partners. The implementation will be dependent on the reaction of the market, manpower capacity, new details about the evolving ecosystem.
The tasks are organised via Value Domains.
Ax - Assets
- Setting up config management
Bx - Builds
- Collecting info concerning building the dictionary
- Collecting API data
- Conception of dict infrastructure
Next Gen English
- Catalog of spelling rules
Cx - Communities
- Define roles, expectations
- Info about user groups
- Community policies
- Forum structure
- First entries
Dx - Designs
- Collecting info for the dictionary design
- Question catalog of functions
- Definition of structures, processes, data
Next Gen English
- Catalog of spelling rules
Colingua Hub
- Concept: Colingua framework language hub
- Concept: Project framework language dev
- Concept: Project framework Scientific Credibility
- Data from DE-Schreibreform ‘Acceptance Window’
Ex - Enterprise
Org structure
- Setting up legal structures
- Policy drafts
- Policy data compliance and privacy online
3rd-Party contracts
- Data compliance from providers
- Concept: How to get ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 EN-CE approval | S1 | Project: iso-3166-reg |
- Concept : How to be put on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) matrix | S1 | Project: sdg-lobby |
- Concept of Colingua
Fx - Finances
- Apply for funding from x partners -> see Joined Partners
- Apply for funding from x sponsors -> see Joined Partners
- Subscription plan
Gx - Grids
- Collecting ideas of training grid
- Collect data
- Concept for VAPs and network
Hx - Humans (People & Culture)
- Getting help onboard
- Onboarding project teams
Ix - Incentives
- Work out incentives for joined parties
Jx - Joined parties
Fundraising Foundations
- Mailings to foundations
- Extend data collection
- Invite partners
- Contact sponsors
- Get sponsors onboard
- Draft contract
- Flesh out Advantages online
- Mail template Advantages
- Tel call script
- Contact possible ambassadors
- Get ambassadors onboard
- Get linguistic, social, and other experts onboard
Friends / Patrons
- Concept friend campaign
- Start friend campaign
Tech Orgs
- Contact possible tech orgs
- Get tech orgs onboard
- Contact possible publishers
- Get publishers onboard
Training orgs
- Contact possible training orgs
- Get training orgs onboard
National orgs
- Reaching out
- Reach out to teachers
Kx - Knowledge
- Put info online
- Reach out to partners for help
- Reach out for content use
Lx - Logistics
Not needed as yet? TBD
Mx - Markets
- Sell idea to future partners -> see Joined Party
Marketing materials
- Creation of videos
- Build list
- Evaluation
Marcom / PR
- Concept for strategy
- Basic time plan
- Plan for segment teachers
- Plan for segment writers, authors, editors
- Plan for kids revolution with Co1 or Co2
Ox - Orchestration / OPs
Planning Phases
- More detail in this phase Glow
- More detail in next phase Twinkle
- Define singular projects
- Put info together online
- Setup OPs (Operations) / project management
- Setup issue trackers
Px - Products
- Definition of conceptual rollout pipeline
- Concept: Project framework language product life cycle
- Tentative Release Plan for Colish
Generic Products
- Detailing of products (projects)
- Products outlines online
- Colish - English as a product
- Colish - Products (from projects, etc)
Qx - Quality
Will be defined when needed.
- Concept: Project framework language testing market/user experience
Rx - Resources
- ERP online
- Task mgr for projects online
- Team spaces
- Forum online
- Working on dict hub
- Detail hub and generic processes
Sx - Services
Self-Service Enduser
- User account
- Subscription / monthly donating
- Mailing List
Self-Service Teams
- Info about services
Tx - Teaching / Training
- Possible partners
- Info for partners
- Concept for surveys
- Topics for working groups
Ux - User Experiences
- Collecting ideas for Co1 (Colish Edge)
- Testing variations of Co1 in the market around the world
Vx - Ventures
- Status Ember
- Monthly status
Venture structure
- Concept - detailed
- Decision where the organisation will legally be
Wx - Worlds
Marcom materials
- Association
- Materials for user groups
- Planning the CoCon / CoWorld congress | S5 | Project: CoCon |