By Service | 14 June, 2020

Part of Europe.
Population: 83 million
Yearly intake of children: 728300
Yearly intake as % of population: 0.87747
Yearly outgoing of children: 2000000
Children at school: 11000000
Costs for every extra year learning: ??
Schoolbook renewal period: ???
English as language
English learnt at school: true
English primary language: false
English learnt as a second language: true
Second language comment:
On the border to France, in Saarland, is the 2nd language French, however most children opt-in to learn English.
Some of them learn it in primary school in preparation for secondary, for example two years of 40 school weeks, each with 2 hours teaching, resulting in a total of 160 h.
In secondary education a pupil receives over 6 years another (40 weeks x 4 h ) 160 h / year.
Total hours = 7 x 160 h = 1120 h.
Number of English teachers: ??
Average teaching costs per child: 6700 EUR
Costs per hour
- Average number of school weeks = 40
- Average hours of teaching per week = 30
- Costs per hour = 6700/40/30 = 5.58 EUR / h / pupil
Comparitive costs to other countries
Country | EUR | GBP |
England | 5.32 | 4.82 |
Germany | 5.58 | 5.05 |
Currency valuation from June 2020
Costs to teach EN:
- 1120*5.58 = 6250 € / pupil
- for the State with a yearly intake of 728300 = 4.5 billion EUR / year
Spelling investment and efficiency
- Germans have already learnt lingual tools and methods for the understanding of their own language, so no learning methods need to be teached.
- Students are expected to learn the vocabulary at home and are tested in school.
The number of hours invested in English spelling in Germany is not known.
Assuming that on average 30 % per hour of tuition is used for spelling,
- this is equivalent to total hours 1120x0.3 = 336 h
- or 336*5.58 = 1875 EUR.
For every improvement of Enlingua efficiency so that 10% of time can be saved:
- time savings of 336 h * 10% = 34 h or roughly 34 h / 4h wk = 2 months.
- results in cost savings of 187 EUR / pupil
- For the State savings of 187*728300 = 136 million EUR / year
How many children are learning English
In Germany, learning English as 2nd language language is a must (There are a couple of exceptions).
Number of intakes: 728300
- Daily (728300 / 365 days) = 1995, approx. 2k per day
- Hourly (1995 / 24) = 83, rounding = 80 children start to learn EN every hour.
- Working hour (1995 / 8 h) = 249, rounding = 250 per hour
Time relevant:
- Per minute = 728300/365/24/60 = 1.4 children.
- For DE, roughly every minute a child starts to learn EN.
No. of children:
No. of average working hours (2015):
Average costs of teaching
Teaching plan example