By Service | 14 June, 2020
Fourth largest country.
Politically not on the curriculum. English is only taught 4h week. However children are being taught privately in the cities.
Population: 273.38 million
Yearly intake of children: 4.375 mio.
Yearly intake as % of population: 1.600
Yearly outgoing of children: ??
Children at school: ??
Number of English teachers: ??
Costs for every extra year learning: ??
Schoolbook renewal period: ???
English learnt at school: true
English primary language: false
English learnt as a second language: true
Second language comment:
How many children are learning English
Number of intakes: 4.375e6
- Daily (4.375e6/365) = 11986 approx. 12k per day
- Hourly (4.375e6/365/24) = 499, rounding = 500 children start to learn EN every hour.
Time relevant:
- Per minute = 4.375e6/365/24/60 = 8.32 children.
- The number of children per breath (4.375e6/365/24/60/60*4) = 0.555, or 1 child per 2 breaths.
- English is only taught for four hours each week in high schools and is not part of the national elementary school curriculum.
- Indonesia is the only country in Southeast Asia that has not made English a compulsory subject at elementary level.
- Enrolment in Grade 1 of lower secondary general education, both sexes (number) (UIS.E.2.GPV.G1.T)
- 2017
- Colish comment: Lots of children live rurual and it is unknown if they get access in secondary school to EN teachers.