
Development phases

By Ian Williams | 1 May, 2020

The ‘rollout’ of Colish to the world is going to be a sporty undertaking. To provide a framework for planning, the rollout is split into the following phases (as of May 2020):

  1. Spark - Getting the idea going (Completed).
  2. Ember - Getting traction with people and organisations who support the initiative (Completed).
  3. Glow - Firing up the Alliance, the community platform, mailings.
  4. Twinkle - Partner onboarding, developing the alpha version of the e-dictionary.
  5. Dawn - Beta dictionary, ISO en-CE.
  6. Twilight - Dict release, CoCon, hubs, tools, VAP network, media.
  7. Sunrise - Deployment of the Colish dict to 1 billion mobiles / devices, certification services.

The time frame for the above is dependent on a multitude of factors - capital, partner willingness, etc, but if the willingness is there, Colish could be available in 2022, in the Chinese year of the Tiger.

1. Spark

The first phase, creating a spark of energy to get things going.

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2. Ember

The second phase, of getting the fire going.

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3. Glow

The third phase, of getting interest, traction going, of getting the initiative to glow in the dark.

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4. Twinkle

The fourth phase, of getting working groups active, of getting the activities to twinkle in the dark.

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5. Dawn

The fifth phase, where activities are starting to get form and outlines are visible.

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6. Twilight

The sixth phase, where the working teams items are becomming visible such as the dictionary and the supporting infrastructure hubs.

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7. Sunrise

The seventh phase, where the dictionary gets rolled out to devices, where VAPs and teachers can start to teach the Colish way of spelling and organisations can use, for the first time, a world wide supported Common English dictionary.

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