
About the Venture

By Marketing | 21 August, 2020

1. About

The Colish Initiative, CoWorld, is a global venture engaging people from across the world, from different knowledge domains, cultures and commercial fields.

Its activities encompass projects focussed on linguistics, teaching, personal empowerment to high tech.

Its long term target is to be present in all countries and regions on this planet, accelerating the education of Colish to 1 billion children.

2. Startup

In 2020 the Colish Initiative can be classed as a Startup. To coordinate activities and to ‘foster’ drive, teams are being established, each focusing on a specific activity such as sponsoring, membership, finance, onboarding of organisations and ambassadors, project coordination, dictionary design, devops, documentation, etc.

3. Details

The Venture’s activities, from the Colish Rollout perspective, are defined in Phases.

The general areas of activity or ‘energy zones’ are described under Org/CoWorld, as well as our Co5s Program.

Information about the general organisation is described under Org.

What products are being built under Products and Portfolios.

4. Financing and investing

In the long term, the cost of the enterprise operations are to be covered by internal financial sources such as product sales, subscriptions, certification, general sponsoring.

For short and middle term financing we are looking for Bronze to Diamond Sponsors for hundreds of sponsoring possibilites with our projects.

We are also looking for investors to support kickstarting the activities.

It is an interesting venture: Send us an email to and we will be pleased to get back to you.